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    Eugene Makokha posted in the group Eugene Shiundu, an african writer

    3 years, 9 months ago

    “Today Rex tried to pause like the Lion of Judah but he cannot do it. He can only smile in the shamba like ‘Mshamba’ and those who watch the ‘Great Wall of Mache’ and ‘Kuvasali.’ This is not the Great Wall of China, my brothers and sisters. It is bare and harder to watch like that of the Son of Heaven in China. There is no danger in this century of technology and no Roman centurion to claim the land. We sleep in peace and watch the stars, imagining that they are starships waiting to take the souls of the dead to another world. Sometimes he thinks that there are aliens in the starships. He lives by faith and believes the Lion of Judah will come in reality to take him one day. His knowledge has no limits. He has international friends from more than ten nations of the world and believes in Athenian heroes like Themistocles. He fears the Spartans of the village like ‘Shisundi’ and ‘Sakati’ who never step in the city. When the villagers thought he was Ragnar, his brother Rollo abandoned him and never liked the camera. Be patient for the love of your life Rex, she is still schooling in another world.”


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