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The best of Albania
sabrina nevipinned post
VIDEOCONFERENCE “Albania-Undiscovered Beauty”
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios
Appointmenton the virtual world Point of Communication: The virtual world CRISTAL TEMPLE (Crystal Temple) is a unique place of meditation, open to people from all over the world. Without leaving home, you can meditate with friends from all over the world, strengthen your energy level, get in touch with other dimensions with beautiful music and visual spells.
You can click on the… - Virtual world of the Point of Communication to meet together in a cupola concerning your language, click on the link
Mirësevini në Klubin e Jetës Kualitative!
A beautiful virtual hostess to get to know the Club Qualitative Life!
Pour avoir la paix, il faut préparer ce qui permet de la maintenir.
Maîtrise et discipline
Si nous parvenons à nous discipliner, à maîtriser notre partie animale, à contrôler les forces explosives qui sont en nous, tout en restant calmes et ouverts à une résonance avec les dimensions supérieures, nous retrouvons un état où l’amour peu…Read Moreoeil d’oiseau
Envol sur l’Albanie
Destination ALBANIE
Les vierges jurées d’Albanie: ces femmes devenues hommes
Dance from South Albania – Thiam
Danse du sud de l’Albanie – ThiamThe crystal of perfection: when you are inside your program, miracles are practically the order of the day.
Let us take you on a little tour around south Albania.
This short video shows some of the most beautiful attractions.Don’t miss the chance to spend 2 hours in Albania! Scenic nature from earth and from above. This country will impress you with spectacular mountain trails, breathtaking sea panoramas, and beautiful nature, warm people…
Un paese da scoprire…..
Flamingo Dance Albania
Many women in Albania are used to read coffee grounds/grinds. The predictions from the readings alway seemed to come true. The art of reading coffee grounds in the Middle East traces back to thousands of years of practice, fortune tellers and seers: once you drink your coffee (finjan kahwah), you use one hand to shake the remains in the porcelain…Read More
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