La pace interiore comincia ad apparire quando non si cerca più la porta d’uscita all’esterno ,ma all’interno di se.
🧚🏻♂️🛸✨Quando si riflette e si elabora la verità, ogni cellula del corpo si unifica in uno slancio d’amore verso la meta di tutti gli sforzi.✨🛸✨💫
🌸🧚🏻♂️Possiamo Costruire la nostra dimensione celeste affermando:” Oggi, mi decido ad elevarmi e decido inoltre di fare evolvere le persone con le quali mi trovo in buona comu…Read More🧚🏻♂️✨ Ogni istante è una goccia di eternità.✨
Risuonare ogni giorno con quello di cui non si parla mai e a volte trasmetterlo alle anime sensibili amiche:
🌸 Il fiore che si inclina, dolcemente cullato dal soffio della brezza… Il raggio di sole che danza e si riflette sull’acqua… La farfalla che ci sfiora con ali leggere… La percezione interiore…Read MoreFriendly Galactic couples in Space in the year 3920
Taking a relaxing vacation on planet Eltaïria can be a good idea to free yourself from the good old Earth stress.
Prendre quelques vacances relaxantes sur la planète Eltaïria peut être une bonne idée pour se libérer du bon vieux stress terrien
It was on the planet Syphelius that the ship made its second stopover of 5 days. Passengers were able to visit the Eylferian capital and its wide avenues and part of the surrounding region. They were able to admire the astonishing architecture with rounded shapes, the numerous cultural and spiritual centers, the vegetarian and vegan restaurants,…Read More
You can also have your private cabin that you can share with someone. It’s good when the ship cruises several planets with stops and visits. The cruise can last up to a month. In this case, a certain comfort with one’s personal belongings is highly appreciated.
Vous pouvez aussi avoir votre cabine privée que vous pouvez partager avec…Read More
Tomorrow the shuttle mothership leaves for Lyrianis, a highly evolved planet. Tickets are available at the Galactic Store. Travel recommended only if you want to take a big evolutionary leap and if you are not afraid of change. Your body will be rejuvenated on board with the latest med-beds.
Demain le vaisseau mère-navette part pour Lyrianis,…Read More
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