Carolina Muñoz created the group Samoa Island
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Papua New Guinea
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Papua New Guinea
VIDEOCONFERENCE “ PapuanewGuineaGroup ”
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios- Virtual world Cristal Temple to participate in a daily meditation
- Virtual world “Point Communication” to meet everyone
- Virtual world “Point of Communication” dome in your language to exchange with other people
Carolina Muñoz created the group Papua New Guinea
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Salomon Island
Salomon Island
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Salomon Island
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Salomon Island
VIDEOCONFERENCE “ SalomonislandGroup ”
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios- Virtual world Cristal Temple to participate in a daily meditation - Virtual world “Point Communication” to meet everyone
- Virtual world “Point of Communication” dome in your language to exchange with other people
Carolina Muñoz created the group Salomon Island
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Isla de Pascua
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Isla de Pascua
Isla de Pascua
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Isla de Pascua
VIDEOCONFERENCE “ IsladePascuaGroup ”
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios- Virtual world Cristal Temple para participar en meditaciones diarias - Virtual world “Point Communication” para reunirse
- Virtual world “Point of Communication” Cúpula de idioma español para comunicarse con los demás
Carolina Muñoz created the group Isla de Pascua
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Pitcairn Islands
Carolina Muñoz posted in the group Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Islands
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