Patricia Sousa posted in the group A Geração Unitária
Meditando dentro da Nave Unitária de Cura
Patricia Sousa posted in the group A Geração Unitária
Transferência e elevação de energia sutil através do coração
Patricia Sousa posted in the group A Geração Unitária
Thierry Oger posted in the group CIVILISATIONS DU FUTUR
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
A wonderfull description of the origin of yoga, as we now have, thanks to India, a day of celebration of yoga in the whole world….
Patricia Sousa posted in the group A Geração Unitária
“O Mestre deve muitas vezes se abaixar, para se adaptar aos discípulos que ele se dispôs a ajudar”
(I.J.P.Appél Guery)claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Un homme bon…Puissions nous tous nous le devenir, chacun à notre façon. Là pour agir, il fallait une âme forte…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Des révelations incroyables dans les temples Indiens…il y a 5000 ans déjà la création d’un être humain scultée, depuis l’instant où le sperme pénètre l’Ovule…il y a 5000 ans !!!
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Two beautifull Indian women abour sarees, ecology and so many things…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Qui était Patanjali, et le yoga ?
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Et le grand yogi et professeur de yoga, B.K.S Iyengar, avec un sous tirage en français…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Comment la musique peut toucher les 108 chakras que nous avons dans le corps…
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Very interesting, thank you for sharing
A very good synthesis… To be deepened by experience !