unitor vibrag posted in the group FAIRIES ISLAND
Visiter le monde virtuel Fairies Island
https://www.clubqualitativelife.com/fairies-island/Partilha muito interessante do Trigueirnho
Patricia Sousa posted in the group As gera-AÇÕES com SCIÊNCIA
Patricia Sousa posted in the group SyntAfrica
Patricia Sousa posted in the group SyntAfrica
Patricia Sousa posted in the group SCIENCE CONSCIENCE
Pascale NICOLAS posted in the group INSPIRART
Créé dans un moment spécial, en écoute musicale et télépathique.
Created in a special moment, into musical and telepathic listening.claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Beautifull India !
- Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios - Virtual world of the Communication Point to meet together, click on the link http://www.clubinterneland.com/unity/PointCommunication/
- Virtual world of the Communication Point to meet together in a dome concerning your language, click on the link http://www.clubinterneland.com/unity/PointCommunication/
- Cosmic Junction, In India and everywhere where it’s needed…who we are…
Pascale NICOLAS posted in the group UNITED KINGDOM
Magical Stonehenge
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