Bar-on Liat posted in the group Friendship of Palestine
mariana posted in the group LA BEAUTÉ A TRAVERS LA MODE ET LE MAQUILLAGE
mariana posted in the group LA BEAUTÉ A TRAVERS LA MODE ET LE MAQUILLAGE
Réjane Blouin posted in the group FEROE ISLANDS
Feroe Islands
Réjane Blouin posted in the group FEROE ISLANDS
Since only 2014 a statue has been erected by the sea in this small village. This is the Kópakonan, the seal woman.
It is the portrayal of a woman from a famous legend of the Feroe Islands.Réjane Blouin posted in the group SAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON
Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
sabrina nevi posted in the group Gruppo Italiano
La Cura, uno dei più grandi successi del maestro Franco Battiato cantata su Sky Arte.
La Cura, l’un des plus grands succès du maître Franco Battiato chanté sur Sky Arte.sabrina nevi posted in the group Gruppo Italiano
Presenze delicate…
Cynthia posted in the group Les Conseils du Club Qualitative Life
Cynthia posted in the group Les Conseils du Club Qualitative Life
- un travail de chaque instant ….et une justesse qui augmente de jour en jour !!!
Cynthia posted in the group Les Conseils du Club Qualitative Life
Cynthia posted in the group Les Conseils du Club Qualitative Life
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