sabrina nevi posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
Imparare i canti degli uccelli – Cinciarella, cinciallegra, codirosso, capinera, merlo, pettirosso, passera d’italia.
sabrina nevi posted in the group Albania – undiscovered beauty
sabrina nevi posted in the group Albania – undiscovered beauty
Flamingo Dance Albania
Un pays très riche et vraiment merveilleux. Il n’a ni sa propre monnaie, ni sa propre langue, ni son propre aéroport. Le réseau routier n’excède pas 250 km. Les paysages du pays semblent avoir été créés par les elfes, et les habitants sont aussi riches que Crésus. Ce pays est si petit qu’il est accessible qu’en bus et vous pouvez y faire le tou…Read More
sabrina nevi posted in the group Albania – undiscovered beauty
Many women in Albania are used to read coffee grounds/grinds. The predictions from the readings alway seemed to come true. The art of reading coffee grounds in the Middle East traces back to thousands of years of practice, fortune tellers and seers: once you drink your coffee (finjan kahwah), you use one hand to shake the remains in the porcelain…Read More
sabrina nevi posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
L’utilizzo della tecnologia nell’evoluzione dell’essere umano.
I suoi vantaggi ed i suoi rischi – I suoi vantaggi ed i suoi rischi
estratto da “Contatti con altre dimensioni” IJP Appel Guérysabrina nevi posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
La Medit-azione: Musica JAG – Musicalise – montaggio Hélène P.
sabrina nevi posted in the group Albania – undiscovered beauty
Avash-avash, sa të bëhet shelegu dash,” is an expression in Albania that literally translates to, “Slowly, slowly, the lamb becomes a ram.” In other words, progress takes time. Work is slow to get going, taking time to enjoy the slower pace of life is important and embracing the avash avash mentality is important to feeling happy and fulfilled.
Annette Katja posted in the group Österreich – Austria
lichtvolle Grüsse an das schöne Österreich
Annette Katja posted in the group Deutsche Gruppe
die liebliche Energie der Blumen kann unsere Seele berühren
Annette Katja posted in the group Turkmenistan to its Future Soul
Estelle posted in the group Groupe vibration créatrice – ènergie quantique
Seven kinetic sculptures move, or require you to move, for viewers to really understand what they’re looking at. Each of these sculptures plays with our perception and tricks our eyes into seeing something totally new.
sabrina nevi posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
La bellezza immortale della Primavera del Botticelli: ’Amore terreno che si trasforma, nobilitandosi, nell’Amore sublimato. nel giardino delle Esperidi, all’estremo occidente del mondo conosciuto, oltre le Colonne d’Ercole.
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