Rolando Yanzon posted in the group Harmonie
Yaelle Levy posted in the group Harmonie
vegetal rose posted in the group Harmonie
emiliano gandolfi posted in the group Harmonie
alysor alys posted in the group Les fêtes ancestrales
Prêtresse gardienne de la lumière solaire !
Priestess guardian of the sunlight !Myrta Etoile posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
One of my favorite temples in one of my favorite island of Aigina.
“The Temple of Aphaia (Greek: Ναός Αφαίας) or Afea[1] is located within a sanctuary complex dedicated to the goddess Aphaia on the Greek island of Aigina, which lies in the Saronic Gulf. Formerly known as the Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius, the great Doric temple is now recognize…Read More
ATHANASSOPOULOU MARIA posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
Antria Gobind posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
Καλησπέρα στην υπέροχη Ομάδα!!!
Alberto Tonazzini posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
χαρά μου να είμαι στην ομάδα σας
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Again, Dr Mahesh Patil, ayurveda doctor in India…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Here are pictures of the actions of my dear ayurveda teacher and doctor, Dr Mahesh Patil…
Club Qualitativelife posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Penelope Kallirosi posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
vasilis giampouras posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
vasilis giampouras posted in the group Ελληνική ομάδα – Grece-Hellas
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