Sophie posted in the group Lux Excel Ibiza
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Futur AfRica
Johanne Razanamahay – Le Monde des ESPRITS
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Futur AfRica
Johanne Razanamahay est née à Madagascar. Il est en contact avec la nature et les mondes spirituels. Chamanisme – Retour à la maison
Sophie posted in the group INDIAN MUTATION
Sabina Fucci posted in the group INDIAN MUTATION
Sabina Fucci posted in the group INDIAN MUTATION
Sabina Fucci posted in the group INDIAN MUTATION
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Futur AfRica
Looking at the Sky and feeling part of the big Star family, this happens in Uganda *
(Starlight Family is a charity, based in Kiboga Uganda dedicated to supporting vulnerable children and adults through educational and material support.)…Read More
Ci muoviamo attraverso l’Universo, il nostro sistema solare viaggia a 70.000 Km/hr in direzione della galassia di Andromeda :
I pianeti orbitano attorno al Sole, più o meno sullo stesso piano.
Il Sistema Solare si muove attraverso la galassia con un angolo di circa 60° tra il piano galattico e il piano orbitale planetario.
Il S…Read MoreSabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IosSabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Virtual world Cristal Temple…. to meditate together every day click on the link
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Virtual world “Point Communication” to meet everyone together click here on the link
Sabina Fucci posted in the group Africa Diaspora
Virtual world “Point of Communication” to find yourself together in the dome of your language, click on the link
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