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    Emmanuel Ceriz

    10 years, 11 months ago

    TRANSMUTALISM means a new Ontological attitude and research centered on Transmutation

    1. Our cause and efforts are the Ontological development of the human race, the Transmutation of the human Being into a higher kind of being, less limited and more powerful in its own – less dependent on technology to surpass its limitations; and with a longer life. We promote the research and collaboration between our members with the aim of discovering and acquiring scientific knowledge about how to break and overcome ALL the human being limitations (incapacities and impossibilities).

    2. The Interdisciplinarity of Transmutalist Research:
    Main areas – Through my own experience, I found that we need the cooperation and ideas interchange of people familiarized especially with Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Neuroscience, Parapsychology, ancient History and Linguistics to find how to surpass human Being limitations.

    3. We are seriously committed to discover how to overcome these limitations of the human being (in an ontological point of view) through the research and collaboration of our members with a scientific methodology.

    4. Who benefits from this research?
    – the beneficiaries are each of us – those who are interested in overcoming their own Ontological limits – the limits of our Being.



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