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  • Mona posted in the group AMERICA

    3 years, 6 months ago

    MIRIAM DELICADO was contacted at an early age by benevolent, tall blond extraterrestrials, apparently singled out specifically for a very special role. She was advised by them to keep a low profile for many years, and finally, in 2007, she was told by them that it was time for her to write her book: Alien Blue Star.
    Miriam Delicado is a woman on a mission… Her message is aimed at all people and holds special significance for what George Green labeled the Ground Crew*: that we are nearly in what the Hopi called the “End Times”; that our planet and our civilization are in great danger…

    • According to Miriam Delicado, this place in the United States is a “SAFE LAND” where people can seek refuge in case of a large global disaster such as what several prophecies describe in the next decades of the XXIst century…
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