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  • Mona posted in the group UFO CONTACTS USA

    3 years, 3 months ago

    About 80 years ago, on February 25, 1942, just two months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, three years before the Hiroshima atomic bomb, and long before the notorious incident at Roswell (July 1947), a squadron of UFO’s flew over Los Angeles, hovering a few hundred feet above the ground for more than 40 minutes, and ridiculed the US air defense by repelling all attacks.
    Not a single UFO was hit by the powerful artillery of the US Army. All the projectiles thrown at the vessels ricocheted and fell into the ground. There were damages in several buildings, and about 10 civilians died, eather from fragments of projectiles, in car crashes or from stress.
    To date, it is impossible to get any valuable information on the event from US authorities, either civilian or military.
    There is even an interesting discordance between the French Wikipedia page and the English Wikipedia page on the event. (Just do your research).

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