Patricia Sousa posted in the group Fairies
Patricia Sousa posted in the group BRASIL
Patricia Sousa posted in the group COSMIC WOMAN
Mireille Jaquinot ( Atlantiss) posted in the group COSMIC WOMAN
Patricia Sousa posted in the group BRASIL
What is Juneteenth in the USA?
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.
President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was effective Jan. 1, 1863, but the news took time to travel. It wasn’t…Read Moredeina vidal posted in the group BRASIL
Dicas para viver uma melhor conexão
Definir sua identidade interna
Nos momentos de reflexão, de meditação, busque definir sua identidade interna, sua essência imortal, o contato com sua origem cósmica.
Para viver uma conexão com sua linha essencial, a dimensão unitária interna, é necessário ter o plano das raizes bem definido, seu corpo…Read Morebealys posted in the group COSMIC WOMAN
Femme Ame
« Pour développer son âme, il faut s’appliquer à faire résonner le plus longtemps et le plus intensément possible les plus beaux élans de notre sensibilité. »
(extrait du livre Femme, réponse essentielle d’IJP. Appel-Guéry – pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
In India, how a disciple met Sri Ramana Maharshi as his Guru…
Mireille Jaquinot ( Atlantiss) posted in the group COSMIC WOMAN
bealys posted in the group COSMIC WOMAN
Femme Fleur
Les fleurs ont toujours été associées à la femme, à cause de leurs qualités communes : la délicatesse et la beauté. Chaque femme ressemble à une fleur. Quelle femme fleur êtes-vous ? Rose, lys, lotus, oeillet, tulipe, iris, marguerite etc. Quelle est celle qui vous symbolise le mieux ?- Iris ! J’ai toujours adoré cette fleur et son élégance naturelle… 🙂
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Sacred Indian dancer…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
The beautifull sitra of the heart, in sankrit, so pacifying during the period we live, as a humanity…
claudine pinet posted in the group भारतीय समूह – Indian Group
Ayurveda teachings from one of my dear teachers…
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