When the sun begins to set below the horizon, the terraces are adorned with pink and purple colors and it is a delight to be able to relax while admiring the magnificent view of the sea. It may be time for dinner in the dining room warm atmosphere of the restaurant in good company. Vegan and vegetarian dishes are served by highly sophisticated…Read More
Mylina liked so much the terraces of the hotel that she invited her friends to enjoy the view with a cup of delicious tea and some cookies. Such happy moments on this sunny terrace with the view on this advanced planet with no wars. They were so lucky to live on a planet with no more wars, destruction and evil people. Back in the old pas,15000…Read More
The terraces of the hotel in the city of Fylgar on the third continent of Eltaïria planet are absolutely delightful. It is so pleasant to spend moments there, admiring the view on the city and on the sea, while soft music is broadcast. Delicate perfumes of flowers are everywhere Some tablets-Ipad style- are available to read books or to get news…Read More
valentine posted in the group Chamans et Contactés d'Afrique
Découverte d’un monde enchanté dans les nuages
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_IX0ZDprkk
valentine posted in the group Chamans et Contactés d'Afrique
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 from the FOUR CORNERS region of the USA!
The Four Corners is a region of the Southwestern United States consisting of the southwestern corner of Colorado, southeastern corner of Utah, northeastern corner of Arizona, and northwestern corner of New Mexico.
The Four Corners area is named after the quadripoint at the intersection…Read MoreMona posted in the group FRIENDSHIP SOUTH AFRICA
A Trip into the Zulu Language and Tradition with
The famous South African opera soprano Sings Zulu Songs and Encourages the Young Generation.
(2 interviews in Zulu language without translqtion, the rest in English with Zulu written translation.)Mona posted in the group BONNES NOUVELLES DU MONDE ENTIER
BONNE NOUVELLE ! En Espagne, de plus en plus de parents et professeurs comprennent enfin. Le mouvement “Adolescence sans portable” prend de l’ampleur et crée un débat national.
Chaque matin dans certaines écoles, les enfants placent leur smartphone dans une pochette fermée et l’oublient pendant toute la période des…Read MoreMona posted in the group UFO CONTACTS USA
In her website, she gives astonishing precisions on the real Pleiadians, the true Gal
actic Federation, the Jerusalem ship, Ashtar Sheeran, the Grays, Enki and the Illuminati, and more.
https://www.elenadanaan.org/debunk- Load More Posts