sabrina nevi posted in the group Soucoupes Volantes & Grand Contact
Each one has a crew to find in the universe. We can send signals to find it, messages in time, in space and in the timeless. We can communicate with telepathy. We aren’t alone in the universe.
Mona posted in the group English group
A fairy bridge in Scotland
Mona posted in the group English group
Learning colloquial English
Mona posted in the group English group
Mona posted in the group English group
English spelling tricks
Mona posted in the group English group
Mona posted in the group English group
English language trick
alysor alys posted in the group IRELAND
Elisabetta Banducci posted in the group ETERICA
Le monde éthérique est toujours avec nous
Pascale NICOLAS posted in the group ETERICA
Un univers de Magie qui nous ressource
A universe of magic that revitalizes ussabrina nevi posted in the group ETERICA
nature magique
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