Patricia posted in the group Australys Connexion
Northern lights on the island of Tasmania in Australia!
Patricia posted in the group Australys Connexion
The Great Barrier Reef in North Queensland and Heron Island!
denis peron posted in the group Caribe Puerto Rico
denis peron posted in the group Caribe Puerto Rico
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- Aqui está la cúpula para el español !
denis peron posted in the group Caribe Puerto Rico
agnes levy posted in the group MONACO
agnes levy posted in the group MONACO
agnes levy posted in the group MONACO
Patricia posted in the group Australys Connexion
Meet at any moment members of this group in videoconference by clicking on the link
Jitsi Meet also available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Ios - A cosmic place to meditate:
- To share together in the same language our same spiritual aspirations!
Patricia posted in the group Australys Connexion
agnes levy posted in the group MONACO
- Pour se retrouver dans un lieu convivial virtuel et s’échanger en langue française
agnes levy posted in the group MONACO
agnes levy created the group MONACO
agnes levy created the group MONACO
Patricia posted in the group Australys Connexion
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