Loic posted in the group NEDERLAND – PAYS-BAS
Sophie posted in the group Accès à des ambiances luxueuses
Sophie posted in the group Rossiya – Russia – Russie
Thierry Oger posted in the group Accès à des ambiances luxueuses
Thierry Oger posted in the group CIVILISATIONS DU FUTUR
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 from the FOUR CORNERS region of the USA!
The Four Corners is a region of the Southwestern United States consisting of the southwestern corner of Colorado, southeastern corner of Utah, northeastern corner of Arizona, and northwestern corner of New Mexico.
The Four Corners area is named after the quadripoint at the intersection…Read MoreSophie posted in the group Fou rire et Humour
Un plombier Cardiaque 🤣🤣
https://www.tiktok.com/@djilalibourebai/video/7309451043513928993?_r=1&_t=8i0zNr01BkvSabina Fucci posted in the group RUSSIAN DREAM
The song “I’m Russian!” performed by 27 Russian regions
Martin Chicoine posted in the group Mongolia
Démonstration de danse “Tsam” dans un festival religieux en Mongolie.
Bocus Francesca posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
Una delle meraviglie di casa mia…nelle Dolomiti
- Magnifico a contatto con li Cielo!
sabrina nevi posted in the group FRIENDSHIP ITALIA
Possiamo percepire il colore dell’anima di ogni essere umano. La nostra anima risuona con un colore e una vibrazione diversi. Quando scegliamo la nostra incarnazione, torniamo con un seme che comprende il colore della nostra anima. Qual è il colore della tua anima? Oggi la mia anima è turchese… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=492xU7g5qx8
Слава Чикишев posted in the group QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK
Как друзья здесь кто есть?
sabrina nevi posted in the group Soucoupes Volantes & Grand Contact
Each one has a crew to find in the universe. We can send signals to find it, messages in time, in space and in the timeless. We can communicate with telepathy. We aren’t alone in the universe.
sabrina nevi posted in the group CONTACTS OVNI – EXOBIOLOGIE
Voyage à la source
Ce qui se passe à cette époque nous invite à prendre une pause de voyage ou à explorer autrement. L’homme est un explorateur dans l’âme. Le retour à la source nous montre que nous avons tout en nous…- Load More Posts