valentine posted in the group Chamans et Contactés d'Afrique
Although we have no video nor photos on the net about african Crop Cicles, Credo Mutwa left us many testimonies passed down aurally.
“What you call ‘Crop Circles’ is the same thing the Zulu call ‘Izishoze Zamatongo’, which means the designs or the writings of the Gods. We have known about them for more than 4000 years.” Credo MutwaThe first crop circle Credo Mutwa saw himself: A double-ringed circle in potato plants, in the Natal region of South Africa, 1949. (Diagram: A. Müller, based on Credo Mutwa’s sketch)
In 1958, again in Natal : “I saw a huge crop circle in the shape of two circles inside of a triangle“ Credo Mutwa